Two vampires go into a bar. And the first one asks the other, "What would you like to drink?".
And after a quick think, the second one says "A Bloody Mary, Please", so the first one orders him the Bloody Mary and then he asks the barman for some hot water.
The barman gives the vampires their drinks and they go and sit down. The second vampire turns to the first and asks,
"That's a strange drink for a vampire, isn't it?". But the first one says "it's ok, I've bought my own T-bags" and he brings out an old wooden box and places it on the table.
Once again the second vampire quizzes his friend on his strange drinking habits, thinking that a vampire should really be drinking Bloody Mary's. "I'm worried about you mate, as vampires shouldn't be drinking tea".
But the first vampire just ignores his friend and reaches for his old wooden box, opens the lid, grabs the string, and places one in the hot water and gives it a stir as his friend looks on. The second vampire then turns to his friend and smiles as he drinks his own beverage and is suddenly jealous of his friend and wished he had ordered hot water instead of the Bloody Mary.
"It's ok" says the first one as he passes his friend the old wooden box. "You can have one, if you like".
The second vampire thanks his friend and reaches inside the old wooden box, grabs a string and pulls out... his own used tampon.